The transparent platy member and the inserting piece are arranged with a plurality of optical line reflection points, or optical line refraction points, or laser breakdown points. 透明板状构件和插片中设置有复数个光线反射点、或者光线折射点、或者激光破坏点。
We explain the services provided to tourists and travel services, the dissemination of a culture of constant reflection of the time these three points. 我们向旅游者提供讲解服务和旅行生活服务、传播文化的时候不断地体现了这三点。
The reflection points for the transformed waves do not coincide with those of the non-transformed waves. 转换波的反射点与非转换波的反射点不一致。
This evening is sharing with us his reflection on the Rosary and Master has particularly points of the joyful mysteries. 法师今天要与我们分享他读《玫瑰经》的感想,同时对欢喜五端提出他特别的看法。
The optical reflection points or the optical line refraction points, or the laser breakdown points are produced by a laser engraving machine based on selected pictures. 光线反射点、或者光线折射点、或者激光破坏点由激光雕刻机根据选定的图像产生。
The utilization of such a stacking method can realize the stacking of common reflection points, and is hence conducive to the stacking image formation and also to the improvement of resolution power and the signal to noise ratio. 这种叠加方法实现了共反射点叠加,有利于叠加成像,也有利于提高分辨率和信噪比。这就是克希霍夫求和法。
The bright area of reflex is enclosed by the reflection points of two ends of linear lamp-house at the edge of orifice of lamp and points of intersection with testing screen. 反射光的亮区是由线光源两端点在灯口边缘上的点反射且与测试屏交点所围成的。
With migration in angle domain, the image matrix in local angle domain, the migration sections with different common-dip angles and reflection angles at imaging points are obtained. 通过角度域偏移成像,可以得到地下成像点处的角度域成像矩阵以及共地层倾角偏移成像剖面和共反射角偏移成像剖面。
Practically, it gives rise to critical reflection on the defect and possible deficiencies within the third sector, and points to important factors for perfection of the society for the public. 其现实意义在于:对第三部门内在缺陷和可能出现的失灵问题的批判性反思,将是完善公共性社会的重要条件。
Reflection induced phase retardation ( RPR) on light turning points of bulk glass optic current sensors would influence the immunity to electromagnetic interference of the sensors. 在光学玻璃电流传感器中,如果光线反射转向时在光的p、s分量之间引入反射相移,则会对该传感器的抗电磁干扰能力产生不良影响。
The Stacking velocities for both compressional and shear wave reflection data was used to estimate the approximate location of the conversion points of the P-SVwave exploration in this paper. 本文利用纵波和横波的迭加速度资料来计算P-SV波勘探中转换点的近似位置。
PartIV: Reflection on absurdity in Camus 'political points. 第四部分:荒谬哲学在加缪政治思想中的体现。
Based on the expressions, we establish the equations and formulas for reflection points and isochrones. Also, we develop a graphic-interface program using VC~ (++) 6.0 to display the ray paths and the isochrones. 根据适当的解析公式,可建立反射点和射线路径以及走时之间的关系,并用VC++6.0编制了基于图形界面的计算程序。
On the basis of reflection and criticism of structuralistic linguistics and ontological linguistics this paper points out that neither of them can serve as the linguistic foundation of translatology. 本文在反思与批判结构主义语言学和本体论语言学的基础上,指出以它们为基础是不可能建立起翻译学的知识体系的。
Because of the dispersion of the reflection points on the dipping layer, the quality of CRS stack is restricted. 但在地下介质复杂并存在倾斜层时存在反射点分散的情况,从而影响了CRS叠加效果。
Ponderomotive effect near the reflection points of electron plasma waves 电子等离子体波反射点附近的有质动力效应
Calculation Method Discussion on Localization of Ground Reflection Points of Microwave Propagation 微波传播地面反射点位置计算方法探讨
Through the detailed analysis and reflection of the two theories, the thesis points out that in the process of the legal construction, only if two kinds of patterns are jointed together, can it adjust to international legal framework and promote the development of Chinese law. 通过对两种理论的详细分析和反思,指出在法律建构过程中只有将两种模式相互融合、共同发展,才能适应国际化的法律发展框架以及促进中国法治进程。
On the basis of reflection of the Lesson Study, the fourth chapter points out school for future implementation of lesson study the realistic predicament and improvement direction. 第四章在反思本轮课例研究的基础上,指出了学校未来实施课例研究的现实困境和改进方向。
The third chapter illustrates the reflection on contemporary forms of Buddhism and points out the problems that contemporary Buddhism has gradually become "secular". 第三章节描写了对佛教当代形态的反思,指出了当代佛教逐渐世俗化这一问题。
Afterward, we use cubic spline interpolation to fit the 2D terrain which is projected by the connection between the radar and the target, and start the searching of reflection points on the 2D terrain curve. 然后,对雷达和目标连线投影到地面上得到的二维地形断面,我们用三次样条插值法进行拟合,并从二维地形曲线出发搜索反射点。
This essay puts emphasis on expounding the main content of mass culture critical theory and the reflection and criticism of it, at the same time, it also points out the practical significance and inspiration. 本文重点阐述了法兰克福学派大众文化批判理论的主要内容和对其理论的反思与批判,并指出其理论的现实意义及启示。
The modal expansion method is utilized to investigate the reflection in the bounded space. The thesis points out that the essence of the reflection in the practical TIR switch is the mode degeneracy between even and odd modes. 本文提出利用模式展开法来分析受限空间中光束的反射,指出了全内反射型光开关中反射的本质是奇阶模和偶阶模之间的简并。
Finally, the thesis focuses on the topic of modernization of judicature in China, starting with the theory of reflective modernity, elaborates the reflection and major reflection points of judicial modernization in China and points out clearly the future target of judicial modernization in China. 最后,本文将研究焦点对准中国司法现代化主题,从反思现代性理论出发,纲要性地阐述了中国司法现代化的反思性要求及其反思重点,明确指出了中国司法现代化的未来方向。
The last chapter is mainly to summary and reflection, through the summary of the article, and then points out the limitations of the study and the future research direction which we should pay attention to. 最后一部分主要是进行小结与反思,通过对文章的总结指出本研究的不足以及今后研究应注重的方向。
To improve the efficiency of computation, the data is further pre-processed. After the block area of the terrain corresponding to radar is determined, the subsequent work of searching reflection points is only done in the effective reflection areas. 为提高计算效率,我们对数据进一步预处理,确定雷达对应的地形遮挡区域,这样后续的反射点搜索就在地形的有效反射区域中进行。
For city administrating county system, affirmed a reflection of its have the functions, but also points out the existing problems. 对市管县体制进行了反思,肯定了其具有的功能作用,但同时指出了其存在的问题。
In the context of new curriculum reform, the traditional methods of education and teaching is a profound summary and reflection, which points out the orientation for new era of education reform and put forward demands. 在新课程改革的背景下,对传统的教育、教学方式进行了深刻的总结和反思,为新时期的教育改革指明了方向和提出了要求。
This article is divided into four chapters, the first part, based on the perspective of humanistic reflection technology, the author points out that the technology of the core status. 本文共分为四章,第一部分基于人文主义的视角反思技术,指出技术的核心地位,并分析了产生人文主义技术观的理论条件、相关背景,揭示了对技术人文关注的某种必然性。
The paper makes a deep reflection onthe current agricultural land use system and points out the existing disfigurement and shortage of it. 对现有的农业用地使用制度进行反思,指出当前农业用地使用制度的缺陷与不足所在。